Behemoth Builds

Behemoth Builds

A small business that focuses on creating unique and individualized PC builds for individuals with a variety of needs, from gaming to working.

A small business that focuses on creating unique and individualized PC builds for individuals with a variety of needs, from gaming to working.




Responsive Web Design

Product Designer &

4 weeks

Tools used
Figma, Discord

Responsive Web Design (Academic)

Product Designer &

4 weeks

Tools used:
Figma, Discord



Currently, Behemoth Builds is only able to showcase their work and services through word of mouth and their Instagram page. They are in search of a solution that would allow them to display their work, whilst giving prospective customers the ability to choose which service they want all in one place.

Currently, Behemoth Builds is only able to showcase their work and services through word of mouth and their Instagram page. They are in search of a solution that would allow them to display their work, whilst giving prospective customers the ability to choose which service they want all in one place.

Who are we trying to reach?

Users who

Users who:

  • individuals who have or are interested in building a custom PC

  • individuals who have previously been a customer of Behemoth Builds

  • individuals who use PCs

What do you value most when searching for a custom built-PC?

“Their credibility and trustworthy. I can't see what they're doing so I feel like that makes me a bit weary because Ican't see what’s broken until down the line”

“Their credibility and trustworthy. I can't see what they're doing so I feel like that makes me a bit weary because Ican't see what’s broken until down the line”

—Female, 21

“If I don’t see the bottle on my makeup vanity, I will quite literally never remember to take it.”

“I would mainly look for if theyre certified in some way. basically anything to show that they know what theyre doing”

— Female, 26

— Male, 26

“I used to be consistent with it and after some time I just stopped but I started taking them again because I've been getting canker sores in my mouth”

“I feel like i should have researched more of how to build the pc before actually building and i most definitely wish i did it with someone “

— Female, 30


Our Research Goals

Who We Talked To


Our Research Goals

To establish our goals, we asked these questions:

  • how PC Users decide what kind of parts and the type of performance they want to put into their PC.

  • why and how people choose to build a custom PC so that the business is able to better position their services

Who we talked to

I invited 5 interviewees, most of which have built their own PC or bought a custom-built PC.

Interview Insights

4 of 5 participants emphasized the importance of some sort of certification indicating that the builders know what they're doing

4 of 5 participants stated that they need the service to have 24/7 customer service if they have any questions or issues with their pc

4 of 5 participants would prefer a consultation of their build prior to paying


Market Analysis

Our analysis focused on companies commonly used by users searching for guidance on custom-building PCs and finding specific parts.

1 on 1 interviews

Interviews were used as primary research to understand those who do and do not have experience with building custom PCs and what their needs are when beginning the PC building process.


Our Research Goals


Who We Talked To

Our Research Goals

To establish our goals, we asked these questions:

  • how PC Users decide what kind of parts and the type of performance they want to put into their PC.

  • why and how people choose to build a custom PC so that the business is able to better position their services

Who we talked to

I invited 5 interviewees, most of which have built their own PC or bought a custom-built PC.

Interview Insights

4 of 5 participants emphasized the importance of some sort of certification indicating that the builders know what they're doing

4 of 5 participants stated that they need the service to have 24/7 customer service if they have any questions or issues with the pc

4 of 5 participants would prefer a consultation of their build prior to paying

Let's Define

Making Sense of the Data

Learning from the data

Plan of Action

Making Sense of the Data

To better understand the data we gathered from our interviews, we did the following:

  • Creating a Persona - Elias

  • Affinity Map

Let's Define

Making Sense of the Data

Learning from the data

Plan of Action

Making Sense of the Data

To better understand the data we gathered from our interviews, we did the following:

  • Creating a Persona - Elias

  • Affinity Map

Learning From The Data - Market Analysis

After taking a look at the different ways users utilize resources to help begin their journey into building their first custom pc, we learned that:

Most companies offer a baseline service of customized part picking for PCs

Companies also heavily advertise their 24/7 customer support.

Most customers that opt into using a service to build their PC is due to no prior knowledge of building PCs.

Learning From The Data - 1 on 1 Interviews

As always, the data gave us helpful insight into when and why users are choosing a company to build their PC, and how they determine what components they want in their PC.

Participants utilize websites like because it allows them to have a high level view of pricing, performance, and aesthetics.

Participants want to see reputability within a company through reviews, certifications, and images.

Participants want to be able create a PC with transparent pricing and communication before paying.

“As a newbie, someone to explain in a dumb downed way what each part does and is used for with examples would be a good thing to have. As someone paying someone else to build it for me, I would want other examples of computers they’ve built and customer reviews, those are the most important things to me.

“As a newbie, someone to explain in a dumb downed way what each part does and is used for with examples would be a good thing to have.

—Female, 26

“I also am weary on if they actually used the parts that i bought. there's a lot of scammy stuff going on out there“

“I also am weary on if they actually used the parts that i bought. there's a lot of scammy stuff going on out there“

— Male, 26

I feel like i should have researched more of how to build the pc before actually building and i most definitely wish i did it with someone “

“I decided to build the computer myself because my friends were all telling me to build the computer since it was cheaper.

— Female, 25

“Their credibility and trustworthy. I can't see what they're doing so I feel like that makes me a bit weary because Ican't see what’s broken until down the line”

“I would mainly look for if theyre certified in some way. basically anything to show that they know what theyre doing”

"I feel like i should have researched more of how to build the pc before actually building and i most definitely wish i did it with someone “

“As a newbie, someone to explain in a dumb downed way what each part does and is used for with examples would be a good thing to have. As someone paying someone else to build it for me, I would want other examples of computers they’ve built and customer reviews, those are the most important things to me.

“I also am weary on if they actually used the parts that i bought. there's a lot of scammy stuff going on out there“

“I decided to build the computer myself because my friends were all telling me to build the computer since it was cheaper."

Using Elias as our persona,

Using Elias as our persona,

We can keep him in mind when progressing into the ideation phase. Elias embodies our user's needs and frustrations when finding different ways he can go about building his PC.

As we brainstorm, we'll use his feedback as a basis for identifying the necessary features to ensure he has the best possible experience while using Behemoth Build's website.

Let's Ideate

Stress Testing Elias


User and Task Flows

Stress-Testing Elias

As we move forward with ideating, there are a few important questions to keep in mind:

  • How can Elias build his PC with the help of a reputible source?

  • How can Elias be assured that his PC is being built by individuals who know what they're doing?

Connect to Content

Add layers or components to swipe between.

Let's Ideate

Stress Testing Eloise



Stress-Testing Elias

As we move forward with ideating, there are a few important questions to keep in mind:

  • How can Elias build his PC with the help of a reputable source?

  • How can Elias be assured that his PC is being built by individuals who know what they're doing?



To evaluate different design systems, we analyzed content on Dribble and existing PC building companies for inspiration and to determine what looks the most familiar to users

Our Sitemap

Our Sitemap

In order to ensure that our website has a structure that allows users to navigate through the website seamlessly, we create a sitemap to help with that. Our goal was to have a minimal yet functional website that didn't require users to search high and low for what they were looking for.

Sketches & Mid-fi

Design Reasoning

Behemoth Build's goal was to convey an unconventional, peculiar, yet reliable vibe.

Using the inspiration given by the client, I included quirky illustrations and created a logo that best aligned with their motto: "Monstrous builds"

Design Reasoning

Behemoth Build's goal was to convey an unconventional, peculiar, yet reliable vibe.

Using the inspiration given by the client, I included quirky illustrations and created a logo that best aligned with their motto: "Monstrous builds"

A closer look at our UI kit:

Design Walkthrough

Here's what it would look like to book a consultation:

Design Walkthrough

Here's what it would look like to
book a consultation:


View full Hi-fi here



The approach to usability testing

The approach to usability testing

  • As new customers, are they able to request tech support?

  • As new customers, are they able to book a consultation?

Remote Usability Testing - Moderated

By testing the product in real time with the participant, I am able to analyze their behavior and ask them questions to better understand their reasoning for their behaviors.

Remote Usability Testing - Moderated

By testing the product in real time with the participant, I am able to analyze their behavior and ask them questions to better understand their reasoning for their behaviors.

Remote Usability Testing - Moderated

By testing the product in real time with the participant, I am able to analyze their behavior and ask them questions to better understand their reasoning for their behaviors.

Our participant criteria:


23-32 years of age

PC Habits

  • individuals who currently own a custom built PC

  • individuals who are interested in building a custom PC

  • individuals who used a PC building service


  • individuals who want to choose specific parts for their PC

  • individuals who want help from someone when building their PC


23-32 years of age

PC Habits

  • individuals who currently own a custom built PC

  • individuals who are interested in building a custom PC

  • individuals who used a PC building service


  • individuals who want to choose specific parts for their PC

  • individuals who want help with another individual when building their PC


23-32 years of age

PC Habits

  • individuals who currently own a custom built PC

  • individuals who are interested in building a custom PC

  • individuals who used a PC building service


  • individuals who want to choose specific parts for their PC

  • individuals who want help with another individual when building their PC

Lessons Learned

Behemoth Builds was a wonderful learning opportunity in translating UX skills from a product such as an app, into a responsive website.

The general attitude of this project was a lot more casual compared to my other capstone projects. The client was a close friend of mine and I believe that made the project a little less formal than most students would have experienced. As great as it was having a chill and easy going client, I do feel that I was not able to utilize my UI skills as much for this project. I also felt that my research skills such as utilizing both primary and secondary research methods, and quantitative methods could have enhanced my learning experience.

A few things I would change are:

  • organizing my UI kit better

  • explored more design patterns

Despite the challenges, I am progressively growing as a designer and researcher with every project I undertake. I am eager to take on more challenges that will push me to further develop my design thinking skills.

Here were the tasks they were assigned:

Here were the tasks they were assigned:


  1. Search for the area you would expect to look for tech support

  1. Search for the area you would expect to look for tech support

  1. Search for reviews & testimonials


  1. Request a Consultation

  1. Request a Consultation

  1. Request Tech support

  1. Request Tech support

Testing Findings

What worked

  • 3 of 4 participants felt that the information provided was enough to accomplish what they need

  • 4 of 4 participants felt that this is a feature that they would utilize (tech support)

  • 3 of 4 participants appreciated the purpose of the consultation process (consultation process)

  • 4 of 4 participants felt that this process is essential to a pc building journey(consultation process)

What didn't quite work

  • 2 of 5 users had difficulty utilizing the drop down feature when choosing specific parts during the consultation booking process

  • 2 of 5 users were expecting to put in more information when utilizing the tech support feature

What worked

  • 3 of 4 participants felt that the information provided was enough to accomplish what they need

  • 4 of 4 participants felt that this is a feature that they would utilize (tech support)

  • 3 of 4 participants appreciated the purpose of the consultation process (consultation process)

  • 4 of 4 participants felt that this process is essential to a pc building journey(consultation process)

What didn't quite work

  • 2 of 5 users had difficulty utilizing the drop down feature when choosing specific parts during the consultation booking process

  • 2 of 5 users were expecting to put in more information when utilizing the tech support feature

What worked

  • 3 of 4 participants felt that the information provided was enough to accomplish what they need

  • 4 of 4 participants felt that this is a feature that they would utilize (tech support)

  • 3 of 4 participants appreciated the purpose of the consultation process (consultation process)

  • 4 of 4 participants felt that this process is essential to a pc building journey(consultation process)

What didn't quite work

  • 2 of 5 users had difficulty utilizing the drop down feature when choosing specific parts during the consultation booking process

  • 2 of 5 users were expecting to put in more information when utilizing the tech support feature

Here's how we approached our Priority Revisions

Here's how we approached our Priority Revisions

Lessons Learned

Behemoth Builds was a wonderful learning opportunity in translating UX skills from a product such as an app, into a responsive website.

The general attitude of this project was a lot more casual compared to my other capstone projects. The client was a close friend of mine and I believe that made the project a little less formal than most students would have experienced. As great as it was having a chill and easy going client, I do feel that I was not able to utilize my UI skills as much for this project. I also felt that my research skills such as utilizing both primary and secondary research methods, and quantitative methods could have enhanced my learning experience.

A few things I would change are:

  • organizing my UI kit better

  • explored more design patterns

Despite the challenges, I am progressively growing as a designer and researcher with every project I undertake. I am eager to take on more challenges that will push me to further develop my design thinking skills.